



WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp message templates

Design your message templates

Create your first message template
for WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp message templates

Template Name Category Status Language Actions
[[result.template_name]] [[getCategoryById(result.category).name]]
In appeal
Pending deletion
Limit exceeded

Reason: [[template.rejected_reason]]


Create New Message Template


Choose what type of message template you want to create.

Template Languages

  1. [[result.name]]

In Draft Pending Approved Rejected In appeal Pending deletion Deleted Disabled Paused Limit exceeded

One-Tap Autofill buttons are only supported on Android. If you send an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who is using a non-Android device, the WhatsApp client will display a copy code button instead.

Zero-Tap s only supported on Android. If you send a Zero-Tap authentication template to a WhatsApp user who is using a non-Android device, the WhatsApp client will display a copy code button instead.

- Carousel templates support upto 10 carousel cards.
- Cards must have a media header (image or video), body text, and at least one button.
- Supports 2 buttons. Buttons can be the same or a mix of quick reply buttons or URL buttons.
- The media header format and button types must be the same across all cards that make up a carousel template.

- Coupon code templates are currently not supported by the WhatsApp web client
- Codes are limited to 15 characters
- Button text can't be customized

- Only Marketing categorized templates are allowed
- Template is visible on mobile app only, not on web or desktop app

Upload a sample image Upload a sample video Upload a sample file

Sample image uploaded! Sample video uploaded! Sample file uploaded!

Note: Maximum file size: 5 MB (.png or .jpg only) Maximum file size: 10 MB (.mp4 only) Maximum file size: 10 MB (.pdf only)

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